Enterprising Engines Wiki

"You were higher than a kite."


James Goes on a Trip is the thirteenth episode of the second season.

James Goes on a Trip
Season 2, Episode 13
Vital statistics
Air date September 4th, 2012
Written by Enterprisingengine93
Directed by Enterprisingengine93
Episode guide
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Just Another Wild Goose Chase Rock-Star


Please note this episode should not be taken seriously.

James was having a splendid day. He was hauling the cars with ease, and would later pull the express. Unfortunately, James' fireman started to feel sick. A doctor came, and put the fireman in James' cab to give him medicine. After James' outburst, the doctor dropped his medical kit into James' open fire. James entered Euphoria. Eventually, Henry and Derek wake him up. James finds out he will able to go back in service in a few days. As for the express, the train was given to Henry.



  • Derek and Henry implied that James took drugs.
  • The intro at the beginning said this episode should not be taken seriously and is meant for older viewers.